Saturday, 5 December 2020

Paragraph Facebook/advantage and disadvantage of facebook

Here we give three facebook paragraph witha word bangla meaning. You can use any of them. This paragraph you can use for hsc (facebook paragraph for hsc) class 11(facebook paragraph for class 11) class 10 (facebook paragraph for class 10) class 9 (facebook paragraph for class 9) class 8  (facebook paragraph for class 8) class 7 ( (facebook paragraph for class 7) and  class 6 ( (facebook paragraph for class 6) 

Paragraph Faceboo
Paragraph Facebook

Paragraph Facebook/advantage and disadvantage of facebook

Facebook is an Internet based social network connecting people worldwide and everybody having. Intenet connection may have access to it. Facebook nowadays contributes much to maintain social and friendly relationship between people living far and near. Any person wishing to be a facebook member needs first to have an Internet connection and then to sign up with personal details and secret passwords to ensure privacy and security. Any person can search their friends as well as near and dear ones on-line and can send invitation. If the invitation is once acepted, they become friends in terms of facebook and can share everything of each other stored in their facebook. Facebook allows us to make numerous albums and upload photos and documents and make friendship with a lot of people. Any facebook member can write comments on their status, on other member's status and photos etc. Facebook provides on-line chatting as well. With the help of facebook, we can easily find out our long lost friends as well as near and dear ones who are already faber members. It can be used to raise awareness and share news among the members. However, facebook has some disadvantages as well. Crooked people may upload obscene and objectionable photos and comments. Pimps and touts also use facebook so as to 6 clients. Besides these negative aspects, facebook is a great boon of IT.

English to Bangla Word meaning

worldwide - বিশ্বব্যাপী


access-প্রবেশ, অধিগত করার ক্ষমতা


maintain-বজায় রাখা

sign up-নিবন্ধন করা 


passwords- গোপন কোড 



numerous -অনেক

provides-সরবরাহ করে








touts- টাউটস 

boon-বর, আশীর্বাদ


 Paragraph Facebook

Facebook is a popular free social networking website. It was founded in February 2004. It allows registered users to create profile, upload photos and video,send messages and keeps us in touch with friends,family and colleagues. The site is available in 111 different language include public features. It helps us to get friend and to know many people.The websites membership initially limited by the founders to Harvard university students.User must register before using the site. After that they may create a personal profile,add other users as friend and exchange message. Users may join common interest user groups ,school,college,workplace etc. In September 2012 Facebook has over one billion active users. And now facebook has 2.3 billion users. It has also some negative impact like it wastes our students time as a result they cann't complete their homework. Some people misuse it and harmed other people. Anyway if we use facebook for improve ourself it is good for us otherwise it is bad for us and our society.

English to Bangla Word meaning



Paragraph Facebook

Facebook is social media on the online that is very helpful for communication and information sharing media over the online . this is often a popular social networking web site. Anyone will registered users to create profiles, transfer or transfer photos and video, send messages with friends, family and colleagues. this is often a very free social networking web site. Anyone will use their own language during this social media as a result of it's 111 totally different languages and it's a pair of.3 billion user over the planet.
Nowadays it’s largely used for digital promoting over the planet. additionally includes public options like Pages, Groups, Events, Marketplace and merchandise Promotions etcetera. Here we are going to share standing, Photos, Videos etcetera and additionally offer arrival at any location in publically on “Wall Page”. Also, we will share any information with anyone in camera by electronic messaging. we will use these options in our any devices like Mobiles, good Phones, Tablets and Computers or Laptops. solely we will use this website within the PC’s any browser however these days we've got applications in specific OS (Operating Systems) like Windows eight.1 and 10. Also, we've some Apps for our Smartphones like Facebook, Messenger, cluster and etcetera. It provides use of securities the most quantity as attainable to protect our information.
We can amendment their privacy anytime by ourselves that that information we might wish to signifies or hide on our profile. perhaps this website was opened in 2004. Their Mission is “Facebook’s mission is to supply individuals the power to form community and convey the world nearer along. individuals use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to urge what’s happening at intervals the planet, and to share and specific what matters to them” and Board of administrators ar Mark Zuckerberg ( Founder, Chairman and business executive ), brandy Andreessen ( Co-founder and General Partner), Susan Desmond-Hellmann ( business executive, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and plenty of different peoples. Overall we will say that Facebook may be a a part of our life. Here we are going to do nearly communication and share information with anybody at anyplace .

tag: english paragraph facebook, facebook paragraph pdf

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